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Ripped Window Screens? One Call Home Repair is Well-Equipped to Help!

Ripped Window Screens? One Call Home Repair is Well-Equipped to Help!

Ripped Window Screens? One Call Home Repair is Well-Equipped to Help!

Your Shoreline home is subjected to inclement weather depending upon the seasons. Nasty thunderstorms and rainstorms, even chances of an earthquake… several scenarios could prove damaging to your home’s exterior. One thing that could happen is rips and damage to your window screens, in which case, you should call One Call Home Repair for our expertise in windows and screen installation services.

When most homeowners hear “installation,” they think of first-time installations, but it applies to repairs too. We install window screens with the same aptitude and expertise the dozenth time that we would the first time. Our experience extends to hundreds of homes near Shoreline and surrounding cities, so we are well-equipped to handle any kind of repair, replacement, and installation situation involving your home’s windows and screens.

Some window screens are DIY projects that many homeowners prefer to do themselves. However, for the best results, calling a One Call Home Repair professional is an excellent idea to get the correct size and placement of a new window screen. Sure, the ones you buy at big box stores work for a while, but they can be flimsier and easier to break than the materials our professionals install in half the time.

We Can Accommodate Your Schedule

We get it. No one wants to call a professional repair and installation service like One Call Home Repair and then be given a comprehensive timeline of when they “might” be there. We are different than other companies in the way we accommodate your schedule. Our consultation process involves getting to know about your needs, including when the best time would be for our installation experts to show up.

You can learn more about One Call Home Repair’s windows and screen installation services for Shoreline homeowners by calling (425) 470-5254.